Not every type of file is able to be hosted on this site, so below are links to download some of my other work (don’t worry it’s completely safe).  After downloading a .swf file you’ll need to open the file with a web browser or the Flash Player if you have it (the Flash Player is the preferable option).  Only the part of the flash animation shown in the screenshots is what you should be seeing, if you see things outside of the animation (the extra tumbleweed in the “Alien Abduction” animation for example) they were never intended to be seen, or be a part of the scene.  You won’t see these extra elements if you scale down your browser or use Flash Player.




Three Short Stories by Leo Tolstoy Book (.pdf file)

Three Short Stories by Leo Tolstoy Cover

This is a book I designed for a graphics class containing three of my favorite Leo Tolstoy short stories.  I designed the layout and look of the book.


Wintermute Font (.ttf file)

Drew Rampley Handwriting Font - Wintermute

This is a font I made from my own handwriting, which I call Wintermute (named after one of the AIs from Neuromancer).  The image previewing the font is featured in the 2D Design section of this site; or you can just click HERE to view it.  I photographed the picture in Glacier National Park, Montana along the trail to Hidden Lake in July 2016.  To use the font just open the .ttf file and click install and you’ll be able to use the font on your computer.

Flash Animations


Car Crash Flash Animation (.swf file)

Car Crash Still

This is an animation I made in flash and it’s definitely my best animation.


Alien Abduction Flash Animation (.swf file)

Alien Abduction Still

This is an animation I made in flash.


End of the World Flash Animation (.swf file)

End of the World Still

This is an animation I made in flash.  The sound clip was provided to me (it’s from the TV show “The Walking Dead”) and I had to make an animation out of it somehow.  The male astronaut’s face is a tracing of Abraham Lincoln’s face on the US penny while the female astronaut’s face is a tracing of Queen Victoria’s face on a Canadian penny.


Brain Sale Flash Animation (.swf file)

Brain Sale Still

This is an animation I made in flash.  The sound clip was provided to me (it’s from the TV show “Star Trek: The Next Generation”) and I had to make an animation out of it somehow.  The guy’s face is a tracing of Abraham Lincoln’s face on the US penny.


Drew Rampley Graphics Motion Graphic (.swf file)

Drew Rampley Logo - Long

This is a motion graphic I made in flash of the long version of my logo.  The font is called Mustang.


Castle Siege Flash Animation (.swf file)

Castle Siege Still

This is a simple animation I made in flash.


Ball Machine Flash Animation(.swf file)

Ball Machine Still

This is an animation I made in flash and the first thing I ever made in flash.


Interactive Scenes and Games


Shipping Lanes Game (.swf file)

Shipping Lanes Still

This is a game I made in flash and coded in Action Script.  You’re the small sailboat and the goal is to avoid hitting the other larger boats for as long as possible and the longer you last the higher your score will be.  The clock and score counter don’t always work properly, and I never could get the clock and score to display over the boats or the boats to stop generating on top of one another.  The link above is for mouse controls but I also made a version with keyboard controls (which is much harder) you can download HERE.


Halloween Interactive Scene (.swf file)

Halloween Scene Still

This is an interactive scene I made in flash and coded in Action Script.  It is controllable with either the arrows in the scene or the arrow keys on a keyboard.


Door Game (.swf file)

Door Game Still

This is a simple interactive game I made in flash and coded in Action Script.  The goal is to choose the right door in each scene in order to get through the maze and get the treasure.  There are two good endings to the game with one being more desirable.  The picture of the door above was taken by me and is featured in the game.  The photo was originally taken as part of my Rustic Countryside 2014 series of photographs; which is in the Photography section of this site under Landscapes.


Websites in Flash


Butter Knife Magazine Website (.swf file)

Butter Knife Magazine Website Screenshot

This is website I made in flash and coded in Action Script.  The faux magazine covers are featured on the 2D Design section of this website.  The black and white cover was originally designed for a different assignment in a different class and was the inspiration for the theme behind this website.  The general look of the site was also previously used for my Nissan website redesign; also a different assignment from a different class.


The Fugitive Movie Site (.swf file)

The Fugitive Movie Site Screenshot

This is website I made in flash and coded in Action Script for one of my favorite movies “The Fugitive.”  In order to get the trailer to play on the “Trailer” page you’ll need to download all the files linked.  If the video still won’t play don’t worry about it since the rest of the site will work normally.  You can also just download the TheFugitive.swf file if you don’t want to download the the other files; the trailer won’t play but the rest of the site will still work.


Websites in HTML


International Zebra Zonkey Zorse Association Website (folder)

IZZZA Website Screenshot

This is website I made and coded in HTML 5.  This is a redesign of a real existing website, but it is no longer online and the link to it inside my redesign no longer works.  To get the site to work you’ll need to download all the files provided, extract them, and keep them organized in the folders as provided.  To run the website open the main index.html file (the one not in a folder) in a web browser.


International Turtle Racing Association Website (folder)

ITRA Website Screenshot

This is website I made and coded in HTML 5.  The original mock up of the about page on the site can be viewed on the 2D Design section of this website, or by clicking HERE.  To get the site to work you’ll need to download all the files provided, extract them, and keep them organized in the folders as provided.  To run the website open the main index.html file (the one not in a folder) in a web browser.