Southeast Missouri State University

Academic Hall 360 Orbit

This is a 360 rotation of the Academic Hall at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I took and edited all the pictures myself (59 in all). I planned this out by using Google Maps and I made sure all photos were taken 250 feet from the dome of the building.  Select images from this set can be viewed in the Photography section of this site under Landscapes or by clicking HERE.

I got the idea to do this from this video:

30 Second Flythrough Render

This is a 3D render I did for a 3D modeling class. I made the scene in Autodesk Maya and it took 10 days, 19 hours, and 8 minutes of rendering time on one computer to fully render the 786 frames of animation. I made most of the objects in the scene except for the butterfly, doors, and the trees. I composed the music myself in Garageband.  Rendered images of this scene can be seen under the 3D Modeling & Animation section of this site or by clicking HERE.

Camera 3D Model Rotation

This is a 360 rotation of a camera I made in Autodesk Maya for a for a 3D modeling class.  Rendered images of this scene can be seen under the 3D Modeling & Animation section of this site or by clicking HERE.

Robot 3D Model Rotation

This is a 360 rotation of a robot I made in Autodesk Maya for a for a 3D modeling class. I based the design of the robot after the robots that first appeared in the 1941 Dave Fleischer Superman cartoon short “The Mechanical Monsters.” Robots based on the Superman cartoon have also appeared in films such as “Castle in the Sky” and “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” and I took inspiration from those sources as well.  Rendered images of this scene can be seen under the 3D Modeling & Animation section of this site or by clicking HERE.

The Bridge

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. This was what I did for the final, which could be about anything as long as it was around one minute in length.

The Table Scene From Clifford Recreation

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to recreate a movie scene shot for shot so I did the 1994 Martin Short and Charles Grodin comedy “Clifford.” My love for the movie was rekindled after I first saw coolduder’s recreation of the scene and his reenactment is probably what inspired me to choose this scene for the project. I had to cut out most of the middle of the scene and combine some lines at the end since the reenactment had to be under two and a half minutes in length.

Check out coolduder’s reenactment here:

Rubber Bands

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to make a commercial.

The Danger Zone

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to film a conversation. I improvised the dialogue as I filmed.

Halloween Comes Early

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to use film noir type lighting and effects.

Where’s Fred?

This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to use different camera movements. This is the first and only film starring Fred the Goat. Fred sadly died about a month after this films recording at the age of 16.  Sorry for the Vimeo link breaking up the Youtube links; this video is on Youtube, but it’s not viewable within the United States, or a few other countries, due to copyright reasons.


This is a short film I made for an assignment in a video editing class. The purpose of this assignment was to use different camera angles. Sorry for the sound of the auto-focus going off throughout the video. This was the first film I made for the class so it is a little rough.

30 Second Flythrough First Attempt

This is my first attempt at a 30 second Flythrough (the finished, fully rendered scene can be seen at the top of the page) that I did for a different 3D modeling clas. This isn’t a render but a screen capture since I didn’t have enough time to render the scene, that’s why it’s so slow and lags so much. I ended up scrapping this build entirely and rebuilt the scene from the ground up to produce the finished version. I made the scene in Autodesk Maya I made most of the objects in the scene except for the butterfly, doors, furniture, and the trees.  Rendered images of the final scene can be seen under the 3D Modeling & Animation section of this site or by clicking HERE.

Seattle: The Emerald City

This is a video of Seattle I made for my presentation on the city in a world history class in my senior year of high school.  This is the first graphic design type project I ever did and looking back the video and the great response I got from it probably helped me fall in love with graphic design and the process of creating works like it.

Youtube Channel:

Vimeo Channel: